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Bat Infestation? Here's What You Need To Know If You Live In Sioux Falls

Small brown bat crawling inside a small square hole.

When bats enter the house, people frequently seek help from Sioux Falls pest control companies. Having a bat flying around your living space can be terrifying, and you, of course, want that bat back outside as soon as possible. But one bat is nothing compared to an infestation.

This article will explain the difference between a random bat getting inside and an infestation. We'll also review the dangers that bats bring into your home and the risks of attempting bat mitigation alone. Continue reading to learn more about bats and the safest way to deal with them from the pros at CP Bat Mitigation.

What Is Considered A Bat Infestation?

We use the term infestation to refer to bats that have taken up residence inside your house. There is a big difference between one bat accidentally flying in an open door and a colony of bats living in your attic. An infestation typically includes the following signs of bats in the house:

  • Droppings: Bat droppings (called guano) look like small elongated pellets similar to mouse droppings.
  • Strange smells: Bat droppings and urine have strong scents that will migrate to the rest of the home with an infestation.
  • Odd noises: You might hear scratching, squeaking, or flapping sounds.
  • Grease marks: Oil from bats' coats will build up around the entryways they squeeze through.

Typically around June or July, female bats gather into "nursery colonies" to give birth and raise their young. They are searching for a safe place away from predators, and your attic may be an ideal location. If you suspect a bat colony in your home, contact a bat control company near you, like CP Bat Mitigation, for assistance.

The More Bats, The More Potential For Disease

Regarding bats, the bigger an infestation is, the higher the risk of disease transmission. Bats can spread several viruses, fungal infections, bacteria, and parasites that endanger the health of your family and pets. In the United States, bats are the most commonly reported animal with rabies, and they can transmit it through bites, scratches, or simply coming in contact with you. 

Dried bat guano is also a health risk because it contains fungal spores that can cause histoplasmosis, a severe respiratory illness. Bats can carry parasites such as ticks, fleas, and bat bugs that spread disease. The safest way to handle an infestation is to contact a company that offers bat control services near you, like CP Bat Mitigation.

The Risks Of DIY Bat Mitigation: Why You Shouldn't Try It

Bats sometimes look cute and harmless, but they are wild animals and can be dangerous. They aren't typically aggressive animals, but if they feel trapped or sense a threat, they will bite and scratch to defend themselves and their young. Because of the risk of rabies exposure, handling a bat is never safe.

Reinfestation is also a common problem with bats, so it helps to work with a company that not only knows how to mitigate bats but can also keep them from returning. If you are dealing with a bat infestation, contact us at CP Bat Mitigation for safe solutions and future prevention.

Contact Us For Safe And Humane Bat Control Services

CP Bat Mitigation offers safe and humane bat mitigation in Sioux Falls. Our technicians can help you deal with an infestation and protect your home and family from the dangers of bats. Contact us today with any questions, to learn more about our services, or to schedule your complimentary inspection.

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